

Research papers and multimedia content published during the project


  • Laso-Martín, N. J. & Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2025) Exploring Noun Lexical Diversity and Noun Phrase Complexity in Spanish email writing at B1 and C1 levels. Research in Corpus Linguistics. 13(2), 1-35. DOI: 10.32714/ricl.13.02.01
  • Méndez-García, M. C. and C. Maíz-Arévalo (in press). The influence of gender on complaint emails in service encounters by B2 EFL Spanish speakers. ELIA: Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Luque-Agulló, G. (2023). Analysing the CEFR/CV in University Language Centres in Spain: The Raters' Perspective. In M. Fernández Álvarez & A. L. Gordenstein Montes (Eds.)., Global Perspectives on Effective Assessment in English Language Teaching (pp. 1-33). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. & M.C. García-Méndez. (2023). "I would like to complain": A study of the moves and strategies employed by Spanish EFL learners in formal complaint e-mails. Intercultural Pragmatics, 20(2), 161-197. DOI: 10.1515/ip-2023-2003

Conference presentations

  • Laso-Martín, N. J. (2025). Refining CEFR/CV Linguistic Competence Descriptors through Learner Corpus Analysis: Insights from the FineDesc Project. Presented at the I Symposium: Current trends in Corpus Linguistics. Universitat de València, 8-10 January.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Laso-Martín, N. J. (2024). Towards more concrete CEFR/CV linguistic competence descriptors: A learner corpus-based analysis of correspondence and creative writing by L1 Spanish learners in the FineDesc learner corpus. Paper presented at the 16th Teaching & Language Corpora Conference (TALC 2024), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 7-10 July 2024.
  • Carrió-Pastor, M. L. (2024). Pragmatic competence in CEFR: A contrastive analysis of thematic development. Paper presented at the 16th Teaching & Language Corpora Conference (TALC 2024), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 7-10 July 2024.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2024). Paving the way for the CEFR/CV implementation:fine-tuned descriptors for the linguistic competence. Paper presented at the international conference 'Responding to the CEFR Alignment Handbook: Sharing experience of alignment activities and reflecting on lessons learned', Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona 18-19 October.
  • Carrió-Pastor, M. (2024) Teaching interpersonal devices with English learner corpora. Paper presented at the 7th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR2024). University of Tartu, 26-28 October.
  • Laso-Martín, N. J. & Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2024). Exploring Noun Lexical Diversity and Noun Phrase Complexity: A Learner Corpus-Based Study of B1 and C1 Spanish EFL Learners' Email Writing. Paper presented at the 7th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR2024). University of Tartu, 26-28 October.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2024). "Spanish EFL learners' use of contrastive paratactic expressions across three CEFR levels and gender influence". Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus (CILC24) en la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria. From 22 to 24 May 2024.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2024). An introduction to the FineDesc project. Making the CEFR/CV more user-friendly: fine-tuning descriptors with Learner Corpus Research (LCR) results. Presented at the International SIG Meeting: The Use of CEFR Descriptors in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Language, University of Jaén, 4/26/2024.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Laso Martín, N. J. (2024). Fine-tuning linguistic competence descriptors. Presented at the International SIG Meeting: The Use of CEFR Descriptors in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Language, University of Jaén, 4/26/2024.
  • Montejo-Ráez, A. & Álvarez-Ojeda, P. (2024). Analysing the FineDesc Learner corpus using NLP techniques. Presented at the International SIG Meeting: The Use of CEFR Descriptors in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Language, University of Jaén, 4/26/2024.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. & Méndez-García, M. C. (2024). Fine-tuning sociolinguistic competence descriptors. Presented at the International SIG Meeting: The Use of CEFR Descriptors in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Language, University of Jaén, 4/26/2024.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2024). Fine-tuning pragmatic competence descriptors. Presented at the International SIG Meeting: The Use of CEFR Descriptors in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Language, University of Jaén, 4/26/2024.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. & Méndez-García, M. C. (2024). From peninsular Spanish EFL students' emails of complaint to the CEFR-CV: Fine-tuning complaint-related descriptors drawing on corpus-driven data. Paper presented at 41 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), Universidad de Valencia, 17-19 April 2024.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. and Laso Martín, N. Judith (2023). Proyecto FineDesc: Avanzando en el uso de los descriptores del Marco y el Volumen Complementario. Invited workshop. V Jornada GIELE "Evaluación de lenguas: ¿futuro o futuros?". Universitat de Girona, 10 November 2023.
  • Gloria Luque-Agullo and María Belén Díez-Bedmar (2023). Teachers' Knowledge and Opinions of the CEFR/CV in University LanguageCentres in Spain: An Overview. XIII Congreso ACLES Centros de lenguas universitarios e internacionalización: nuevos desafíos Salamanca. 29th June 29 to 1st July 2023
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. and Figueras, N. (2023). Making the CV descriptors more user-friendly: the role of Learner Corpus Research. Paper presented at the 12th CEFR SIG Meeting, 15 June 2023, University of Helsinki.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Brenchley, M. (2023). Fine-tuning the general linguistic range descriptors at CEFR B1 and B2 levels: Noun Phrase Complexity, Text Type and Variety. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English. North-West University in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. 17-21 May 2023.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Thewissen, J. (2023). Does task type impact EFL accuracy results? Insights from the FineDesc learner corpus. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English. North-West University in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. 17-21 May 2023.
  • Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2023) "There is life beyond 'however'": Adverbs of contrast in a learner-based corpus of L1 Spanish EFL writings.. XIV Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Oviedo, 10-12 May 2023
  • Laso, N. J. (2023). Lexical diversity of nouns in a learner corpus of Spanish EFL learners' B1 and C1 email writing. How does it correlate with the noun database recorded in the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP)?. XIV Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus (CILC 2023). Oviedo, 10-12 May 2023.
  • Méndez-García, M. C., & Maíz Arévalo, C. (2023). A move and strategy analysis of emails of complaints in service encounters by B2 EFL Spanish speakers. 40 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). Mérida, 26-29 April 2023.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Luque-Agulló, G.(2023) Analysing the CEFR/CV in University Language Centres in Spain: The Raters' Perspective. 40 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Lingüística Aplicada. Mérida (Spain), 26-28 April 2023.
  • Díez-Bedmar (2023). The FineDesc learner corpus. Making the CEFR/CV more user-friendly: fine-tuning descritptors with Learner Corpus Research results. Workshop on Profiling second language vocabulary and grammar. Göteborgs Universitet, 20-21 April 2023.
  • Díez-Bedmar, María Belén (2022). Informing the CEFR/CV Descriptors for Linguistic Range with Spanish L1 Learner Corpus Results: Focus on the Noun Phrase. International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics (ICELEAL 2022). Hong Kong, 6-9 December 2022.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. & Luque-Agulló, G. (2022). The knowledge and implementation of the CEFR/CV in University Language Centers: students' perceptions. IV Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación Superior: Retos de la actualización en la enseñanza de las Áreas de Conocimiento. Madrid, Spain. 7-12 November 2022.
  • Luque-Agulló, G. & Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). Learning about language learners' perceptions of the implementation of the CEFR/CV in University Language Centres: Questionnaire design and validation. IV Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación Superior: Retos de la actualización en la enseñanza de las Áreas de Conocimiento. Madrid, Spain. 7-12 November 2022.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). Proyecto FineDesc. IV Jornada GIELE. Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Jesús Maestro. Madrid, Spain. 1st October 2022.
  • Maíz Arévalo, C., y Méndez García, M. C. (2022). "I would like to complain": a study of formal written complaints by Spanish EFL learners. 39 Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain. 7-29 April 2022.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). Analysing learner language to inform the CEFR/CV descriptors: the FineDesc Project. Presented at the One Day Virtual Conference 'Research into practice: Towards a data-driven curriculum' organized by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). The role of LCR in the data-driven curriculum. Presented at the One Day Virtual Conference 'Research into practice: Towards a data-driven curriculum' organized by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English.


  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B.; Laso Martín, N. J.; Maíz Arévalo, C. (2023). FineDesc Training Workshop. Talleres de formación sobre el ajuste de los descriptores del MCER del proyecto FineDesc, destinados a profesorado y/o a personas que realizan exámenes de evaluación y/o acreditación de inglés en centros de idiomas universitarios. (2 ediciones)
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B.; Laso Martín, N. J.; Maíz Arévalo, C. (2024). FineDesc Training Workshop. Taller de formación sobre el ajuste de los descriptores del MCER del proyecto FineDesc, destinados a profesorado y/o a personas que realizan exámenes de evaluación y/o acreditación de inglés en centros de idiomas universitarios. (1 edición)
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). El Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas y el Volumen Complementario: descriptores'. Sesión de formación para profesorado de Lengua Castellana y Literatura y profesorado de Lenguas Extranjeras. Servicio de Innovación Educativa de la Dirección General de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa de la Consejería de Educación y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía.

Invited conferences/seminars

  • Diez-Bedmar, M.B. (2024). An introduction to Learner Corpus Research and its applications to the teaching and assessment of languages: The FineDesc Project. Invited conference in the Máster en Estudios Ingleses y Comunicación Multilingüe e Intercultural at Universidad de Málaga.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2024). Analysing the NP in learner language: results and applications from the FineDesc Project. Invited conference in the Máster Oficial en Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada de la Facultad de Filología de la UNED (05/11/2024)
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2023). El análisis de errores en corpus de aprendices: metodología y aplicaciones. Conferencia plenaria invitada en el Workshop 'Investigación con corpus de aprendices de segundas lenguas/ Second Language Corpora Research'. Universidad de Salamanca, 29 March 2023.
  • Díez-Bedmar, M. B. (2022). Learner Corpus Research: Applications of learner corpora to Foreign Language Teaching, Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing and Assesement. The USAL-UVA Linguistics Research Seminars. 1 April 2022.

Final degree/master projects

  • Montilla Martínez, Alfonso. (2024). The Development of Past Tense Competence: Range and Control in B1 and B2 L1 Spanish Learners of English. (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Barrionuevo Vasco, I. (2024). Syntactic complexity in L1 Spanish EFL essay writing at B1, B2 and C1 levels: an exploratory study.(Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Malet Raich, Júlia (2024). AI-Generated Feedback on Email and Narrative Writing by Spanish EFL Learners across CEFR Levels: A Comparison between MyEssai and ChatGPT (Unpublished BA Dissertation). Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona.
  • González Garrido, Lucía. (2024). Gender influence and the usage of contrastive linking adverbials by Spanish EFL learners across three CEFR Levels. Master Dissertation. September 2024.
  • Araque García, Ángela (2023). Improving NP postmodification: a task-based proposal for 4th year CSE students. (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Barrionuevo Vasco, Ignacio (2023). The power of videogames: teaching verbal complementation patterns to L1 Spanish EFL students in the 1st year of non-compulsory education. (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Barrionuevo Vasco, Ignacio (2022). Spanish students' use of non-finite clauses in two text types: a cross-sectional study at B1, B2 and C1 CEFR levels (Unpublished BA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Cañas Medina, Ana María. (2022). Interference of Spanish in English language learning: A study of the errors made by Spanish learners of English. Universidad de Jaén. Grado en Estudios Ingleses.
  • Espinar Espejo, Noelia (2022). Subordinate clauses by B1 Spanish learners of English at B1, B2 and C1 CEFR levels: a learner corpus-based study (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Espinosa Huertas, Juan (2022). Análisis de un corpus de textos mediante English Profile (Unpublished BA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • García Baños, M. (2022). NP postmodification in B2 and C1 English learner writing. Unpublished MA Dissertation. Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Marriott, Alice L. (2022). Análisis de errores de un corpus de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera (nivel B1) y sus implicaciones en el aula. Unpublished BA Dissertation. Universidad de Jaén.
  • Mateos Delgado, María de la Paz. (2022). Participating in an international exchange programme: A study on prospective participants' perceptions. Universidad de Jaén. Online Master in English Studies.
  • Mora Ruiz, Mónica (2022). Modal verbs in the EFL classroom: a learner corpus-based study at B1 and B2 CEFR levels and a didactic proposal (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Torres Vega, Ana. (2022). A contrastive analysis of interactive markers in B1/B2 CEFR level essays. Unpublished MA Dissertation. Universidad de Jaén.
  • Troyano Gómez, Estefanía (2022). Fostering premodification and postmodification in Spanish EFL learners at CEFR B1 level: a didactic proposal (Unpublished MA Dissertation). Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.
  • Podovia Podovia, A. (2022). A learner corpus-based analysis of B1 and B2 learners' use of adjectives in two different text types. Unpublished MA Dissertation. Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.


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