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Jaen Journal on Approximation
Formats and files
Special Issue Paul Sablonnière

Special Issue dedicated to Professor Paul Sablonnière

In the period June 19-21, 2013, the International Conference on New Trends in Splines and Approximation Theory (SAT 2013) was organized in Rennes (France) in honour of Paul Sablonnière on the occasion of his retirement and his 65 birthday. Futher information in: http://sat2013.sciencesconf.org/

With this occasion, the Jaen Journal on Approximation published in 2014 (Volume 6.2) a special issue dedicated to Professor Paul Sablonnière.

For this special issue, Professor Martin Buhmann was the Managing Editor.

Printed Papers: 6 (150 pages)

Carlo Bardaro and Ilaria Mantellini, Asymptotic expansion of generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series.

Marie-Laurence Mazure, Polynomial spaces revisited via weight functions.

Jilali Abouir, Brahim Benouahmane and Abdelatif Elbouchouki, A new family of multivariate matrix Padé approximants.

B. Beckermann and M. Crouzeix, Faber polynomials of matrices for non-convex sets.

Davide Lettieri, Carla Manni and Hendrik Speleers, Piecewise rational quintic shape-preserving interpolation with high smoothness

German A. Dzyubenko, Dany Leviatan and Igor A. Shevchuk, Pointwise estimates of coconvex approximation

Contact: jja@ujaen.es
fax: +34953211871
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