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Jaen J. Approx. Volume 1, Number 2
Oct. 14, 2009

Volume 1, Number 2, Oct. 14, 2009
6 papers with average time from

reception to acceptance in revised form: 168 days
acceptance to publication: 169 days

Pages: 145-290
3.000 printed copies
2.000 copies were distributed to researchers and institutions of 85 countries

Cover: designed by Gráficas La Paz, based on José Madrid's olive oil picture and Pepe Garrido
"Tiznajo"'s picture (San Nicolás Church knocker, Úbeda)

Information about inside pictures:

33-M Úbeda, Rolf Möhring.
35-M Anchuricas reservoir, Segura river, Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, José Antonio Sanguinetti
36-M Cueva del Agua, Tíscar, Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, Rafael Delgado
37-M Anchuricas reservoir, Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, Rolf Möhring
38-M Cañón cerro del pintor, Arroyo Tornillos de Gualay, Cazorla, Juan Benavente
39-M Tirolina en la Cascada de la Malena, Cazorla, Juan Benavente
40-M Sierra of Segura, Alonso Torrente
40-M Ruta Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, Mirador de Mirabueno, José Lucas Ruiz
42-M Los Charcos, Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, Rolf Möhring
43-M 'Formas en tierras de secano', Rafael Zabaleta
45-M Baños de la Encina Castle, J. Lucas Ruiz
46-M Fortress of La Mota, Alcalá la Real, José Latova
47-M Almohad Fortification, Alcaudete, José Latova
48-M Giribaile, Vilches, J.Lucas Ruiz
51-M Lynx, Aquilino Duque
53-M Lynx, Sierra of Andújar Nature Park, José Luis Castillo
54-M Sierra of Andújar Nature Park, José Luis Castillo
Back cover: Santa María la Mayor Church, Fortress of La Mota, Alcalá la Real, José A. Sanguinetti

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