Volume 3, Number 2, December 23, 2011
9 papers with average time from
reception to acceptance in revised form: 131 days
acceptance to publication: 45 days
Pages: 143-280
2.000 printed copies
Cover: designed by Gráficas La Paz, based on José Madrids olive oil picture and José A. Sanguinettis Jaén Cathedral picture.
Information about inside pictures:
4M Úbeda old quarter, Rolf Möhring.
6M, 7M Villacarrillo Church, Diego Lezama.
8M Huelma Church, José Latova.
10M, 11M The Holy Chapel of El Salvador, Epistle facade. Úbeda, J. Lucas Ruiz.
12M Jabalquinto Palace, Renaissance Patio, Baeza. José A. Sanguinetti.
13M Baeza Cathedral, J.L. Castillo.
14M Condes de Guadiana Palace, Úbeda, J. Lucas Ruiz.
15M Hospital de Santiago, Chapel. Úbeda, José A. Sanguinetti.
16M La Carolina, Rafa Pérez Sánchez.
17M Intendant Olavides Palace and Church, La Carolina, Rafa Pérez Sánchez.
18M La Carolina city council, Rafa Pérez Sánchez.
Back cover: Ja´en Cathedral, Nano Cañas.
Acknowledgments: We wish to thank to Diputación Provincial de Jaén for provide us the pictures collection and to the photographers José Madrid, José Lucas Ruiz, Agustín Muñoz, José Latova, Rafael Pérez Sánchez, Rolf Möhring, José Antonio Sanguinetti, Rafael Delgado, Juan Benavente, Alonso Torrente.