Bibliographic Details |
Jaen Journal on Approximation,
Since 2009.
Periodicity: One volume with two issues per year
Publisher: Universidad de Jaén, Spain
ISSN: 1889-3066 (printed version)
ISSN: 1989-7251 (on line version)
D.L.: J-51-2009
Web site: jja.ujaen.es
Email: jja@ujaen.es
Postal address:
Jaen Journal on Approximation
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de Jaén
Campus Las Lagunillas
23071 Jaén (Spain)
Printed in Gráficas La Paz, Torredonjimeno, Jaén, Spain
Printed on recycled paper (Cyclus print)
Received manuscripts: 177
Printed papers:102 (2122 pages, 149 authors, 96 institutions, 31 countries)
Abstracting and Indexing: Zentralblatt MATH, Math Reviews, Elsevier (SciVerse Scopus).
SJR (SCImago Journal Rankings) (2012): 0.364
SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) (2012): 1.110
Cites in Scopus: 161
Jaen Journal on Approximation is included in Emerging Sources Citation Index of Thomson Reuters.
Jaen Journal on Approximation is not included in the Web of Knowledge, but it receives cites.
Cites in WoS (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters): 134
Papers in press: 5 (about 94 pages)
Papers in referee process: 10 (about 194 pages)
Average time from reception to acceptance: 172 days
Average time from acceptance to publication: 214 days
Volume 1
2 printed issues
283 printed pages
14 papers
58 cites in Scopus
45 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 20
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 148 days
acceptance to publication: 181 days
Volume 2
2 printed issues
301 printed pages
16 papers
39 cites in Scopus
33 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 18
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 158 days
acceptance to publication: 180 days
Volume 3
2 printed issues
280 printed pages
15 papers
28 cites in Scopus
21 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 18
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 154 days
acceptance to publication: 105 days
Volume 4
2 printed issues
170 printed pages
10 papers
18 cites in Scopus
12 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 17
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 128 days
acceptance to publication: 215 days
Volume 5
2 printed issues
208 printed pages
7 papers
5 cites in Scopus
3 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 30
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 228 days
acceptance to publication: 156 days
Volume 6
2 printed issues
295 printed pages
11 papers
14 cites in Scopus
10 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 27
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 155 days
acceptance to publication: 335 days
Volume 7
2 printed issues
302 printed pages
14 papers
10 cites in Scopus
7 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 22
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 202 days
acceptance to publication: 353 days
Volume 8
2 printed issues
190 printed pages
10 papers
2 cites in Scopus
0 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 19
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: 241,3 days
acceptance to publication: 197,6 days
Volume 9
1 printed issues
102 printed pages
5 papers
0 cites in Scopus
0 cites in WoS
Average number of pages 20
Average time from:
reception to acceptance in revised form: XXX days
acceptance to publication: XXX days
Copyright: 2016 Universidad de Jaén, Spain
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