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Jaen Journal on Approximation
Bibliographic Details
Contributing Authors
Contributing Subjects
About the Journal
  Jaen App. Project
 X Jaen Conference
  Ubeda Meeting

Jaen Approximation Project

The Jaen Approximation Project aims to contribute to the development of research in approximation theory by encouraging the exchange of ideas through the interaction between researchers in the area, making Jaen a meeting-point in approximation theory.

The Jaen Approximation Project seeks quality and wishes that its participants feel part of the project.

The Jaen Journal on Approximation is part of the Jaen Approximation Project. In addition to the journal, an international meeting, known for short as Ubeda Meeting, has been organized annually since 2000 till 2009. The participation in the Ubeda Meeting was by invitation and limited to 30/40 people, making it as fruitful as possible. During 4/5 days participants can attend 20/30 lectures, exchange ideas, taste different and nice foods, visit singular places as castles, renaissance palace and World Heritage Sites, enjoy flamenco shows, etc. Discussions during meals, walks and visits provide oportunities to exchange ideas.

After ten editions of the Ubeda Meeting on Approximation, the Jaen Approximation Project has organized seven editions of the Jaen Conference on Approximation, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Numerical Methods and Applications. This new series began in 2010. There the participation is not only by invitation, more on the contrary all researchers in approximation theory in its broadest sense are welcome.

The Jaen Approximation Project strives to have as many new researchers as possible taking part in its activities. In addition, if the project continues with the collaboration of researchers and finds new sponsors, the Jaen Approximation Project will try to start new activities.

The Jaen Approximation Project makes an effort to provide support to participants in their activities. The researchers/institutions who wish to show their support to this project and/or to take part in its activities can state so through our e-mail: jja@ujaen.es.

Finally, the province of Jaen in Andalusia (in the South of Spain) has rich historical and gastronomic wonders. The Renaissance is very much present in this province with towns declared by the UNESCO as World Heritage of Humanity, natural parks, castles and vast fields of groves of planted olive trees. The Jaen Approximation Project also endeavors to introduce researchers to this province and consequently, several pages in the Jaen Journal on approximation are devoted to doing so.

Contact: jja@ujaen.es
fax: +34953211871
©Jaen Journal on Approximation
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